You have just landed a new job. You are thrilled and beaming, it is everything you’ve ever wanted! You know this is the best move for you, for development and for growth. Then you start thinking… How do I resign from my current job? What do I tell my manager? How can I do this in the MOST PROFESSIONAL way possible? 

It is common that we all get to a stage in our career whereby we are in need of growth, development or perhaps a new environment. You might have seen a job that really intrigued you – so much so that you couldn’t resist applying! 

Once you have gone through the full hiring process, and you have received and signed your new offer letter, here are some tips to help you resign from your job properly whilst maintaining your personal brand and leaving on good terms: 

Draft a resignation letter 

Put your resignation into writing – this is a legal document. It is courteous to write a formal letter of resignation, a document that should clearly state and outline the reasons as to why you are leaving and WHEN you are leaving. 

It is also an opportunity to thank your current employer for the opportunities you were given with them – ensuring that you leave “on a good note”. 

Know your agreed notice period and serve this time properly! 

Remember to look back at your contractual terms that you signed when starting with the company. You need to serve the period stated in order to maintain the relationship and utmost professionalism. 

If your new job is to start sooner than expected, be open about this with your employer and explain the situation clearly to them whilst apologizing for any inconvenience caused. Bring it to their attention and make them aware that you are willing to help wherever you can before you leave in order to hand-over properly. 

Do your resignation IN PERSON 

Although you have drafted a formal letter of resignation, it is important and advised that you deliver this letter in person – therefore conducting your resignation in person. Keep this short and concise, if you have any drama in the workplace do not bring this up as you do not want to ruin the relationship. 

Explain that you have simply found a more suited opportunity – being HUMBLE here is extremely important. 

Be prepared for questions 

Your employer might be shocked, or unaware of what brought you to your decision therefore might ask you some very tough questions. Be calm, honest and concise. It is important to keep in mind that this employer could potentially be a future reference! 

Your employer could even counter-offer or give you a promotion in order for you to stay. If you are to take this offer, make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons and that you will be happy to stay with the company. You do not want to have to go through the whole process again in 6 months time. 

Complete your job as best you can 

This is not a time to do less and not work to your fullest ability – you need to end strong and maintain your relationship. As mentioned before, having a positive resignation and leaving on a good note will aid in your boss being a good reference in future. 

Remember to bid your farewells 

Transition can be tough and saying goodbye might not be easy but it is important that you maintain as many positive relationships as possible. It is important to keep people in your professional network. 

Do not brag about your new opportunity and role to others and do not take any office supplies that do not belong to you! 

Remember to schedule an exit interview with Human Resources

An exit interview is must and is done in order to complete everything properly, as well as to discuss any unused leave, to discuss what will happen to your benefits/health scheme and salary claims you are entitled to. 

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